iOS 14.5 Changed the Game For Advertisers & Consumers

Let’s face it. There is enough data from Facebook, Amazon, Uber, TikTok, DoorDash, and countless other companies to know a pretty hefty amount of information about you. This has consequently led people to feel a little weary and dare I say, um… uncomfy knowing the $1,000 brick we all carry around in our pockets and purses has such a vast understanding of who we are. I mean it’s pretty off putting that we have kind of accepted the reality that just about every company has been collecting data on us for years now, don’t you think?

Most people don’t really care too much about reading through a terms and conditions document, (more like 99% of people) that is dozens and/or hundreds of pages long. However, every person deserves to have some control over that data – no questions asked. So what’s the solution to this and how in the world does this relate to digital marketing?

What is iOS 14.5?

For those who don’t know, “iOS” is the mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. Your first iPhone and my XS that I’m looking at right now both utilize that same operating system, which has been updated continuously since Apple hit the smartphone scene over 15 years ago. We are currently on iteration 14.5, and with that came the big change this article is about.

In a nutshell, iOS 14.5 prioritized consumer privacy more than ever before by forcing apps to now ask if you would like them to track your data. 

Even though you technically are given the option for an application to track your data or not, a study published reported that over 95%(!!!) of US users have opted for the latter. That number diminishes to about 85% of users across the world, but not even 2 months into this update, it’s clear that people want to keep their own data private.

How Does This Affect the Digital World?

If you have seen any of our Nifty Experience videos on YouTube, you might remember the one we did on Facebook advertising and how much we relished about Facebook’s tracking capabilities. Well, one really important aspect of advertising is the ability to target users based upon their interests or preferences. It’s how we are able to target people looking for HVAC services and chiropractic care within the same 10 mile radius and not compete with ourselves for ad inventory. 

Unfortunately, with this huge change to user privacy for Apple users, digital advertising is in a massive transitory phase where strategies used for the last few years are being forced to change. Thankfully, this shouldn’t put any agencies out of business, but allow for some healthy change and adaptation within the industry.

What’s Next for Consumers & Advertisers?

Anyone in the SEO, digital ads, or even social media management world knows that being in the digital space requires you to be pretty quick on your feet. Ultimately, in an ever-changing industry, it’s good for everyone to be able to learn more and adapt to the whims and growing pains of the Internet as a whole. 

Consumers, quite honestly, now have another pretty compelling argument to make the switch to Apple products. If anything, they definitely got the better end of the bargain! I know two close friends of mine just made the change from Galaxy to iPhone within the first 45 days or so of this update being live. 

Do you have any friends or family that have made the switch to Apple because of this update? How do you feel about the changes Apple implemented for its users? 

I definitely think that this is an encouraging step for the future with humans rapidly becoming more and more digital. Let us know your thoughts and connect with us today to keep the conversation going!